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My one grandfather worked in a machine shop until he was ninety some years old and became ill with some sort of blood cancer which the hospitals were not exactly sure what kind it was. He ended up moving between 2 hospitals and a nursing home for over six months. With the doctors basically asking my mom to do various treatments to keep him going. At some point he asked my mom why wasn't she letting him die? It was only after one of her friend's daughters who was a nurse kind of took my mom to the side and suggested to my mom to put him on the do not recessitate (sp?) list because they may end up breaking his ribs at some point bringing him back and then he will just be more miserable...
Looking back on it, it seems like the doctors, hospitals and nursing home had found a good revenue stream from Medicare and the state of PA in keeping my grandfather alive. My grandfather wanted to just leave the hospital and go back home to die. Maybe if he had not gone to the hospital in the first place, that could have happened. But I'm sure we thought whatever he had could be treated when he first got sick.