Originally Posted by jwd
I agree, HOWEVER, 454 CI. small blocks haven't been around very long. Until recently, 383 was the best you could do. I'm new to Fords but I know SBC's and BBC's like the back of my hand so don't try to BS me. Like I said, I've been building them for years.
Lose the attitude ass clown.
Mitchell was casting the World block to handle those strokes in the early 90's and so was Maskin at Dart. Ronnie Shaver and Shafiroff's been building them as long also, amongst others.
Nobody's built or been buying 383's except entry-level circle guys for a decade and clowns with lowered Monte Carlos. Has that been your clientele "for 40 years"?
Really bad form to hammer Sal and I with your self-perceived authority on a light discussion forum. Your memory and manners, probably like your building skills, needs updating. Brent has a sticky thread called "Respect, respect, respect".:
Respect, Respect, Respect!!!
I posted it here certain you wouldn't look for it.
When you wake up, your clothes may be back in style.