Welcome doberman ...
About a year and a half ago, I was at a similar point where you are now ... wanting to build a Cobra, but not knowing where to start or what questions to even ask. Well ... you came to the right place!
Start going to the local Club Cobra breakfasts and talking with the owners, look at their cars and ask a lot of questions ... what they like about their car, what they don't like, what they would do differently. Pretty soon, you will narrow it down and figure out what makes sense for you.
I can guarantee you two things ... you will meet a lot of great people and I sincerely doubt you will find (2) Cobras exactly the same.
Here is a link to the BACC (Bay Area Cobra Club)
The East Bay guys usually meet at the Rock House in Livermore and the West Bay guys and Baji's in Mountain View or Alice's Restaurant at Skyline and Hwy 84. Check the Web page for details.
There is also the Nor Cal Cobra Club group as well, that is probably closer to you ... I would imagine one of the guys will add some info to this thread as to where and when they meet.
Best of luck ... hope to see you around.
- Tim