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I'd keep the miata also. There are times I want to run out on a nice day with the cobra but Ive learned that a 10 minute ride to get something at the store will most likely be at least a 1/2 hour. Its rare that I dont end up in a conversation with someone about the car. Sometimes people wait in line to ask questions. A few weeks ago I was trying to leave a parking spot after talking to 2 different guys about the car. As I was pulling away I noticed a 16 year old kid running down the middle of the road yelling "WAIT, WAIT". So I stoped and chatted with him for a while. Its fun but you have to budget that time in when you go out.
Congratulations, you will love the car and the experiences that come with it.
Chris 2626
Oh, make sure you join SCOF too. (Superformance Cobra Owners Forum)
Its not the will to win that matters....Everyone has that. Its the will to prepare to win that matters.