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Welcome to this site, the best resource for information on a variety of makes (and there are many). Look around and try and absorb what you can. You will quickly realize that 99.9% of the time whatever someone owns is the best until they sell it and either continue to praise it or let the truth be known.
Your budget is just out of reach for a new Backdraft with all the options on your wish list and certainly out of touch for a new SPF. Used would be another story. I can tell you from firsthand experience that A/C is a bear to install and to do it attractively or cost effectively. And really would have no benefit without a top of sorts.
If you can spend sometime browsing here you should be able to hone your needs and determine what fits your needs and budget. I am working on a couple summer special packages that would meet your budget on a new BDR, minus the Air Conditioning of course.