Originally Posted by csx4910
Time to find a new mechanic IMHO. Shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to adjust throttle, and 75 -100 is way over exaggerated. Besides the only time you might notice any difference is at WOT. Hope he did this for free......
Zoera-sc7xxx - You don't think that this is dissin the mechanic? It is a public forum but I don't recall Sandy asking for anyones advice? It was a retorical question about whether or not he should do it.(assuming you know the meaning of the word retorical) If you think it takes 30 seconds to adjust the throttle of a fuel injected computer controlled $40000 motor, it tells me a lot about your mechanical ability. Not to mention that Roush fuel injection systems are proprietiry and any hack with a laptop aren't able to adjust them, it takes experience, skill and permission from Roush before you are even access the software.
As I said before, Hothead, I don't know of care how great your mechanic is, ditto for you $40,000 engine. This forum is here to share experiences and questions with members. Lots of disagreements and scuttlebut goes on here every day without bad attitudes toward commenting members. You sound way too defensive and angry. Like someone else said before, if you don't want commentary, use a PM.