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Wow, when I started reading this thread I thought it started this summer and couldn't figure out how I missed reading it. I guess things are slowing down a little as I put my deposit down about 45 days ago and requested a Feb delivery date - which Peter said would work out about right.
Sounds like I'm planning to build a near duplicate to your street car and have gone through the same process of planning to do the frame painting and bonding myself and morphing towards letting ERA do at keast the powder coating and maybe the bonding.
I have a question on your Vintage wheels. I asked Peter if using 7-1/2 inch wheels all around to more duplicate the look of the street car would work. He was kind of negative about it but I haven't given up on the idea. Are you using the exact same wheel with the same backspace for both the front and rear?
Also, are you using ERA's undercar exhaust sysem?
Good luck with your car. It sounds like it will turn out very nice.