Originally Posted by VRM
I completely agree, but there needs to be independent candidates worth voting for. Though even some of the whackos could probably do a better job than the ones we have now.
Chimps replacing the incumbents would be a massive improvement. ALL should go and their 'special health care plan' and their special retirement plan' should go in the trash barrel with them.
Add strict ONE term limit, Each house, lifetime. once as a Rep, once as a Senator, then go home and stay home. Retirement? Whatever they put into their own 401K while in Congress. Health care? Whatever they can afford like the rest of us. Staffers? ONE for every 5 million constituents. Gays can only have female staffers, Hetros only male staffers. [They are there to work, ONLY!!]
Their pay can be above average,,,,,but HOURLY. If they are home, junketing, campaigning, diddling, whatever, its on their own dime. Not the taxpayer [READ BOSS]
Will that attract the "best and brightest?" No, not at all, but if the present system is getting us the "best and brightest," I'm going right off the bridge!