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Old 07-12-2009, 11:07 AM
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Terry's right!

Well almost- actually another one of those days when the hole saw decided to take a jump
Thake a look at Ed's 'maxi fuse', looks good, no? NO!!!!!!
After hours of trying to find out why the entire car went electrically dead I finally decided as a last resort to check the 'Maxi'. It sure looked good, went back to the car again and still nothing, OK-battry out, main hot cables off, hooked the ol' continuity tester to the 'Max' (never- ever had one of these blow before!) Yep no continuity.....Ground the back off and lo- and behold there it was!!!!!!!!!

My best guess is when the motor started to crank-after firing once- it hi-cupped almost like it was going to backfire, then nothing.........

In my book when a MAXI blows which is first OR last in line, depending on how you look at it all the relays should have cooked and every fuse in the car should have blown first-obviously that train of thought was wrong. All circuits where checked, proving A-OK!
I did find the main feed terminal was ever so loose causing an arc!

After pulling the Maxi I did find a slight burn on the terminal and the link inside the Maxi was definatley burned and not blown apart like it would have been had there been a major short! Ahh, just another one of those days..........

That bright spot-----must have been a reflection!
However if you look at the little shiny spot across from the top hole you can see the reflection from my exhaust fan in the booth- a good 30 feet away!


Last edited by Double Venom; 07-12-2009 at 07:19 PM..
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