Don't Mess With Dick: Democrats Tee Up Another One for Dick Cheney
Posted on 13 July 2009 by AJ Fluehr
Democrats aren’t behaving rationally. I don’t mean they’re mentally ill, although they seem to hold that opinion of conservatives. Rather, they are suffering from a pathology that assumes anyone who disagrees with them is stupid, evil, and wrong.
I went through public education for primary, secondary, and higher education in a blue state, receiving a heavy dose of liberalism from my family and peers. It was the rare exception when they didn’t act shocked — SHOCKED — that someone disagreed with them. They couldn’t comprehend how anyone could take a different point of view on issues from abortion to global warming to the Iraq War.
It’s my theory that this is why they have begun to attack Dick Cheney again, this time over a secret intelligence program
They want to bash the Bush administration for targeting islamic terrorists?