Originally Posted by csx wnab
sure, steering colum is lowered, seats have too much padding the front spindle set-up put the two 4" round tubes about 2"off the ground. do i need to go on. when you see a mexican car........................you'll understand. unlike your early 4000 series that was probably a vegas car. better quality.
I'm very familiar with all the versions of 4000s (as well as KMPs), that's why I asked.
You said mexican cars suck, which I took as quality related. Your speaking of design related things which I assume you are comparing to original, because I've never heard anyone complain about such things before on these cars. There have been a ton of running design and production changes on the 4000 cars from the beginning to now, and as the cars getting newer, they become more removed from original specs.
To answer rodneyms question, both HST and Hi-Tech currently build 4000/6000 cars. They are not all built by Hi-tech. Both "brands" of CSX are excellent quality cars. Our own Bill Malone here makes regular trips to HST to personally check the build of all HST cars, ensuring they leave 100%.
Sal Mennella
CSX 4241, KMP 357 - sold and missed, CSX 4819 - cancelled, FFR 5132 - sold
See my car at CSXinfo.net here >> CSX 4241