Just got back from dragging ERAGT2077 out to Road America and now trying to get it together to get out to the SAAC Convention 8/6-8th.
Lime Rock is always on the schedule. We will be there for the entire weekend, Friday through Monday afternoon. As in the past, we have an RV space near the bridge into the LRP infield where any ERA owner (frankly anyone) is welcome to come and join us. We'll have a tent or two and drink, so do plan to stop by. On Sunday following the car show we do a little cruise through the Berkshires, ending up at a restaurant (Dutch treat) out in the horse country near Millbrook, NY.
A few of us stay at a YMCA camp approx. 4 miles from the track. It's "bunk beds", but low key and low cost. If you're up for trying that, e-mail me at
PS: As for what cars we will have there, who knows. But, in all likelihood, the SS, the FIA and the GT, plus couple of ERA427SCs will make the trek.