Funny comment at the bottom of the page:
(on Ron's Link)
ReddingLocal writes:
Clearly a case of man-made global warming. Since winter, the weather has been getting warmer and warmer. The thermometer I keep over by our BBQ has shown that it is unusually warmer than the past 4 seasons combined!!
Hmm, if it is hotter than the past four seasons combined, That would make it about 400* or so out there. Maybe she should move the thermometer away from the grill and cool off a little. At least she noticed it has been getting warmer and warmer since winter. DUH!
Dang Ron, you have some strange folks out there.
None the less,
That is damn hot Ron, be sure and stay inside. I see it is 78* at 8:15 there this AM. Looks like your in for a long hot week.
We are supposed to get rain the next five days.
Come on rain!