We need a third party.
Neither Republicans nor Democrats will ever achieve anything of substance to save the working class (who actually produce 100% of the nations wealth) any money at all ...and our middleclass taxes will apparentally just keep going up no matter which is in office. Why? Well, I theorize neither can take the political hit. If either would ever achieve anything meaningful on their respective platform, they would then lose that significant part of the platform that is the vital rhetoric to incite voters. Curse them all.
The other reason socialized Obama-care is sinking ...follow the
In reference to CDC's Charles Krauthammer link ...Tort reform. On a different note, socializing public well-being seems to automatically install immunity to frivilous lawsuits.
Imagine that all our police protection was not a government run entity. Imagine that we all hired police protection, or "police insurance", from private enterprise instead. This is possible because both private security and private investigators are part of current availiable private enterprise competing with government. Now imagine it cost $1000/month per family for this private police protection. First of all, it would be a ripoff because somebody would be making beaucoup coin off of us. But also, since the police protection was private, we could sue for non-performance, whereas one cannot sue government police. So the private "health" enterprise might find it necessary to carry pricey liability insurance, a real cost born by ...you guessed it ...the working class, of course. Now imagine somebody trying to reform police protection by making it a socialized enterprise again. Same story as the above link on lobbying. Follow the money.
I currently pay about $240 a month (city taxes) for all local service including police. That is cheap compared to $1000/mo, plus whatever co-pay, for local medical health insurance costs.
I only pay about $1000/mo, partly for current "national health" coverage in the form of military protection, safe roads etc. Of course, I'm "not paying my bill". Not paying isn't called default, it's called budget deficit.
Conclusion: Government run stuff is comparatively cheap as long as we don't actually pay the bill.
Food for thought.