You are correct, but what I object to is the forcing people to buy any medical insurance. This, catastrophic insurance requirement, would be much like the Bad Risk Automobile Insurance and cost so much that only millionaires could afford it, therefore it should be a persons option to either pay for insurance or not have it. The more the Govt. forces people to buy or do anything the more freedom we lose. This isn't like automobile Insurance where I can chose to not register my car and park it. I guess I am just opposed to the Govt. telling me I have to buy this or that and I have no choice or they will fine me. Just my opinion and I am sure that I am in the minority here, but what about those that really can't afford to pay. If they fine them, then they will be even worse off. And since Obama claims most of the expenses are ran up by Seniors, why not just tweak a few things. Most of them can't afford to pay for anything, let alone what insurance would cost. I am only speaking for myself, but I prefer by far the set up I have and I have a No extraordinary means to revive me and no hooking me to a machine Power Of Attorney that lets a friend of mine have complete power over my medical if I become incapacitated.