I thought I would update this thread one last time just to piss off anyone who got sick and tired of it the first go around. It has been a year or so and some might find it comforting that the car is still stopping well.
I stand by the last couple of threads that the “Q” pads are best on the front with the 4 pots calipers and the BP-10’s are best on the rear single pot. I put the BP-10’s on the front once again a few months ago to re-test them and make sure I was not imagining they were too aggressive, but THEY ARE! The fronts light up and the backs don’t even feel like they’re on yet.
I have about 6K miles on the car and have run the sh#@ out of it several times testing the system and am happy to report it still works respectfully. Not awesome, but very well. The rest of the car is holding up beyond my expectations……congrats to Superformance!
Everyone can relax; there will not be a 2 year follow-up….I’m really done! But I said that before didn't I…