Originally Posted by Ron61
without a government run option they will always be un-insured,
I don't entirely agree with that. I have no insurance and I don't want to be forced to pay for what I don't want. You nor anyone else pays for my medical bills. I pay them out of my savings. I don't want the Govt. to start telling me I have to buy this or that and dictating what I can or can't do. I see this whole mess as nothing more than another power grab by the Messiah.
Well this mess has been around for a long time it's been 60 years since it was first brought up in congress, so it's been researched for long enough, I don't see how it's a power grab, it's more of trying to control cost, as it is, its spiraling out of control, I have the utmost respect for what you are doing Ron, but you are one of the few, those that are letting us pay for their care are the ones causing the double digit inflation, I say give them a basic government run healthcare and if they want to buy better they are more than welcome to join the rest of us. I have to pay in my property tax for the fire department as well as the police, and education, these things would be outrageous to pay for, if they were for profit corporations, I sent my kids to private school, I still had to pay for everyone else's kids to go, but that was part of the deal I knew going in if I wanted better for mine I would have to pay for it.