Originally Posted by cobra bill
See you make my point for me, you don't see me calling you names or your party or president names? lighten up a little, this is the same crape that was said about every democratic president and they are still bashed for it to this day, the country is still hear and none the worse for who was in office, and I won't even get started on the last administration so without an argument, and only talking points and name calling, it's pointless to even discuss it with you. You’re the one that hates this country, and wishes it would fail to prove a point, you do the same every time a democrat gets elected, it's getting a little old and you have no evidence to back you up, its just hate and discontent!
Please post ANY verifiable true statement by obummer. ANY! Except, when HE said, "I am BIASED." and, "I do not know the facts." Other than those TELLING admissions, everything he has said and done since being elected is a PROVABLE LIE.
If what is so disgustingly obvious to all but the terminally entranced is hate and discontent-----PROVE IT!