Originally Posted by cobra bill
And a good lesson at that, so what went wrong, 2 things Reagan allowed the healthcare system to go from a none profit system to a for profit system, and Medicare part B written into law by the drug companies, fix those two and problem solved.
cobra bill (a.k.a., healthcare maven), please educate me on how the drug companies wrote the law for Medicare Part B.
Medicare Part B covers physician outpatient services and and a subset of physician-administered (e.g., injected) drugs.
Incidentally, there was major reform under the Bush administration in 2004 to how drugs are reimbursed under Medicare Part B. The issue was that some physicians (e.g., oncologists) were making a lot of money on the drugs they administered to patients (profiting on the spread--or difference in price--between what they could buy a drug for and what they were reimbursed by Medicare). This had nothing to do with the drug companies. This reform implemented under the Bush administration has helped decrease waste and excess spending in Medicare.