Originally Posted by Excaliber
Thanks for link. You'll have the honor of my first report, you know, classic radical right wingnut consistently posting bs on Club Cobra.
When you do your "Deputy Gestapo," report, stop at the whitehouse.gov. site and look at L Douglass's example of the lying put downs by right wingers. She says that obummer NEVER said he was for a single payer system or that anyone would lose their present coverage.
Yet there are multiple tapes on the net AND in possession of ALL news media showing obummer saying exactly that, MANY times.
WHEN, not IF, he raises middle class taxes, whitehouse.gov. will then say that he NEVER said he would not. Regardless of the evidence. Lobotomized Liberals just think history is over when it happens because they never learn from it.
An administration that lies to the Nation, CANNOT be a good administration. And this bunch not only lies CONSTANTLY and about everything. Their lies ARE the only transparent thing about this administration. They lie but they are terrible at it. Even worse than they are at foreign policy, and they are the pitiful laughing stock of the entire world when it comes to foreign policy.