Originally Posted by Scott S
I have a huge problem with providing free unlimited health care to all, I think everyone except children should remit a co-pay of 1/4 of their body weight, double if you smoke.
Scott S
I really like that idea, but I would take it a step further; add a percentage for body fat (no need to penalise body builders - muscle is heavier than fat) and then convert that percentage into a dollar figure. I do think that overweight people, smokers, and cosmetic surgery adicts should pay more, as most of them will end up costing more. We also need to make sure that things like co-pays are not too excessive, even for those high-risk groups, or they will never go for checkups and then they will possibly require major medical intervention to correct what originally could have been an easily correctable problem.
I would like to figure out a way to offer incentives to medical insurers to cover more people at a lower rate.
One thing that I think would help would be to reduce the stupid lawsuits for malpractice. I am not saying we should eliminate ALL lawsuits, but a lot of them are over the top. The DNC will not like this, and I could really care less. There are other things I would do that would probably crimp GOP donations as well. Tough.