Everyone knows that any new discussions about dual rollbars is tongue-in-cheek, foot-in-mouth and all-in-fun as it's already been established in the other threads that they suck.
Originally Posted by Hexnut72
Unless you and your passenger were almost killed in a single roll bar car. Then you tend to want something a little better as far as protection when you build your next one.
Maybe I'd just stick to pushing the limits on the track when I'm alone and wearing a helmet. Street Cobras had NO rollbars
Patrick gets a pass because his car is only an ERA. Now, on the nicer cars like Kirkhams, Uniques or FFR's, duals are beyond bad taste!
Trularin gets a pass too because he's a nice guy.
Oh hell - you too, Hexnut, because you may not appreciate my humour and tell me where to get off.
Dual roll bars for all!!