Originally Posted by Bartruff1
AARP will support the plan...Obama has won every fight... every battle ....every skirmish....from TARP to the Budget...From the Court to General Motors....Stimulus to Cash for Clunkers...he may even have stopped settlement construction in the West Bank....every fricking pissing match....
And now he is losing one and disintegrating right before our eyes. Posted above is the Presidential approval rating and the obummer is now at a MINUS 8, after just 8 months in office.
Liberals love to cite Bush. Try this Gallup pool.
From election in 2000, Bush's approval was above 50% until MAY 2004. It hit 50% then went back up until MAY 2005 when, FOR the first time his approval rate fell below 50% and his disapproval went above it. 5 years and 5 months to fall to where obummer has fallen in 7 MONTHS. And HISTORY, [one of liberals most hated FACTS] is that recovery for a President is all but non-existent. Once they are in the toilet, they're flushed!