Originally Posted by cobra bill
Originally Posted by RAZOR
Our Founding Fathers were fearful of government tyranny, they gave us the Bill of Rights to protect the people from the government,that is certainly valid fear today
Your are only half correct here, they worried about the government having a standing Army and in the beginning it was supposed to be a well trained militias, ready to form a standing army, they feared a tyrannical government would turn the army on its people. At no time were they ever worried about the government helping the sick!
Wow, the liberal mind is a wondrous thing.
First they were fearful of a standing army not because the government would use it but that the army itself would overthrow the government. They knew history, and that Oliver Cromwell, under the authority of Parliament,was victorious against King Charles I who had attempted to force uniformity of religious worship and to rule without Parliament,had then turned on Parliament when it became unruly, and splintered. Cromwell dispersed Parliament and became a military dictator in 1649, he called himself the Lord Protector, it remained a commonwealth(republic) until 1660, then returned to a monarchy.
King George III said at the end of the Revolutionary War that George Washington would truly be the greatest man on earth if he relinquished his power and army. Which he did to the surprise of England and the relief of America.
Now to the absurd statement about the "government helping the sick" absolutely they were fearful of an omnipotent government, Thom. Jefferson "Government at its best, governs the lest". Thomas Paine,"Government even in its best state is but a necessary evil" Checks and balances,consent of the governed, limited government those was the guiding principles.
We in the USA have now taken on the European thinking and it will emasculate us as it has them, they think government is the ultimate source of all rights,law and justice. The Founding Fathers, on the other hand held that man possessed certain inherent rights simply by the virtue of his humanity, and that governments were merely social constructions, created for the purpose of safeguarding those rights, and health care is not one of them.
Your worldview is that society should ensure equal outcome, our Founding Fathers was that society should ensure equal opportunity. I am fighting for the right to fail, and may I add humbly, I have been very successful up to this point in my life.
This nations founding was a complete break with the whole of human history, from out of the centuries of tyranny,& oppression, Thom. Paine wrote"We have it in our power to begin the world over again" We are now the first and longest living Constitutional Republic in history. What Jefferson termed as the "Grand Experiment" in liberty and freedom, is speedily sinking into the cesspool of government control and being strangled by the tentacles of a far reaching bureaucracy.
These are quotes of Thomas Jefferson, "A wise and frugal government which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned, this is the sum of good government."
"Dependence begets subservience & venality suffocates the germ of virtue"
Experience hath shown that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have in time & by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny"