Dr. Knock, -- but Sir-- any wanker with a black Amex can get a 430/458 ferrari.
-- it takes a true devoted enthusiast and project manager ( and someone who will put up with S*@WS((@S - to get a Shelby. )
things are easier to get a car now, but still tough. -- and I can t tell you how many 360's and 430's i have seen this week in monterey.
-- but i can tell you how many daytona coupes; 2. CSX2601 and Lances Demo SPF.
There have been a bunch of Cobras running about, FF's, CSX, SPF, -- all happy people-- and no 2 cars alike.
the 430s. -- red.red.red.red. and red with a black 2 tone ( kinda like that one )