Originally Posted by Excaliber
Here's the bottom line:
The guy with gall stones died because he couldn't get treatment, that is the essential fact(s) of this case. Lack of or denial of treatment, whatever, we have a problem! It's something that needs to be addressed. If you weren't such a wuss you might be able to grasp that reality. Rather than run around calling everyone that gets in your way a liar, from the POTUS, to forum members to the man on the street.
Sounds like you need therapy to overcome your paranoia that you are surrounded by liars? Try the pink pill this month, the blue ones seem to be highly agitating for you.
"The guy with gall stones died because he couldn't get treatment,"
WRONG, he could get treatment, but he had to agree to pay for it.
Bottom line, your president intentionally lied. He lied to promote HIS outrageous total destruction and rebuilding of the best health care system
on the planet. And he lied to make an insurance company look bad when they were only following the regulations put on them by politicians. And he lied against a business that simply followed the law and good business practices, in favor of a man attempting fraud against that business. That is the lie by omission. obummer 'neglected' to inform the audience that the patient was attempting to defraud. And he 'neglected to inform the audience that the man could have had all the treatment he needed,but he had to sign the form that allows the hospital to treat him. but that form also states that the man accept financial responsibility for the cost of the treatment.
Had the man been honest on the application, the insurance company would have covered his serious illness, but ridered out coverage on his gall stones.
He got caught in his own commission of a criminal act. That, not the health care system was his problem.
And I have consistently and constantly said that our health care system needs adjusting. The business end certainly does, but not the medical care part.
Tossing out a working system in favor of a yet to be decided system. There are now at least 6 to pick from. 600 pages, to 1100 pages to 1600 pages and in between.
Want a simple cost cutter with Government involvement? Malpractice, want to sue? Sue the US Gov. Malpractice dept.
Doctors no longer have to carry $400,000.00 per year malpractice insurance, nor do they have to preform every possible test to protect themselves against malpractice suits. If they can have a "Death Panel," they can have a Malpractice suit dept.
Try a single step like that or anything else for 24 months. See what it did. Worked or not then try one more thing.
Planning to implode the system with NOTHING tried or tested to replace it is the height of arrogance, conceit, and stupidity. Add liar and you got obummer.