Originally Posted by René
Voici l'update au sujet du rassemblement:
Quatre AC COBRA sont venu, j'avou que je suis decu,Et il y en a deux que je
n'ai meme pas eu le temps de leur parler, ils ont reparti.
Par conte il y avait quelque gars qui sont presentement en construction
cela est positif..Et aussi il y a un gars qui serait interressé de partir un Club
mais seulement l'an prochain, pour cette année, il est trop occupé a travailler
apres son bolide..Bye et au prochain rassemblement..Je crois bien que je vais
laisser ma place a un autre brave....
An amateur translation for those of you who don't read French:
"Here's a quick update on the gathering. Four AC Cobras were there; I admit to being a bit disappointed. And there were two of them which I didn't even have the time to talk before they left. On the other hand, there were a few guys who are currently building cars so this was positive. And there was one guy who is interested to start up a club, but not before next year as he's too busy working on his own car this year. Bye and see you at the next gathering. I think I will let someone else take over the next one."