Originally Posted by Joe Wicked
OK I have tried to stay out of this, but statements like this bother the hell out of me. My wife was always in shape and always played sports. In her mid 30s her thyroid quit and she put on a lot of weight really fast. Now she is on medication for her thyroid but no matter what can't loose much weight. She is one of the fat people you describe and it was not by a poor lifestyle choice. It is a medical condition. People with Diabetes (such as myself) taking insulin have had insulins that cause weight gain, so before you just judge fat people, consider the medical help they seek may just be to treat the DISEASE that caused the weight gain in the first place.
My wife also has experienced the same health problems as your, plus a some other health issues and medicine that keep adding fuel to the fire.
The real problem here is the underlying thought that the left has taken as their banner. That is that health is part of their value system, and society should be controlled, by government, i.e. tax on soft drinks, and sugar, also that control on smoking. I do not smoke and think its a dumb decision to ever start and I am not campaigning against good health.What I am against is thought that we will control your health with the government, that it has a responsibility to make sure we are healthier. The left now will say they are being penalized by the life style of others and are having to pay for their bad decisions, when its always been that way. We pay more in most stores because of theft by customers and employees.We pay more because of uninsured motorist, etc. etc. The liberal solution is to legislate and tax those they perceive as the offenders.
And be sure it will be part of any government involvement in health care.