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It's funny how the Town Halls have become useless forums when conservatives (or just plain ol' folk who disagree with Obama) show up in numbers. When union folks packed them, it was democracy in action (I forget what the issue was). Code Pink? Concerend citizens. That Cindy chick outside of Bush's ranch? Folk hero! Conservatives at Town Hall's? Rabble rousers, astroturf, neo-nazis, militia members.
Now, boosters of Health Care Reform are touting it as a Moral Imperative. But it is immoral to spend our country into further debt.
Medicaide, Medicare, SS are all broke. And Obama seems to believe this package will work. Based on what successes?
Wanting everyone covered is gonna end up like wanting everyone in their own home. A big bubble somewhere that will eventually explode.
Happy to be back at Club Cobra!