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Ryan and Chris:
Great decision to go with A & C, What color did you go with or are you going to paint it?
I know when I bought my ride from Sonny back in 2000, I wish I had known about this web site. There is a lot of good information on the A & C build and its problems and cures right here. Everyone is very helpful. I asked Brent to create the Antique & Collectibles site after I was almost done with my build. Roscoe was a great help.
As far as the foot box is concerned, yup! it sure is narrow! Not much room between the pedals. This is a wierd question but how big are your Feet! Yes, I did say feet. If they are wide you might have trouble. You may want to go Auto. But! If you are only putting a small block and a T5 in it, I would modify the tunnel width. Joe made this body able to fit up to the 460 so the tunnel is very wide. If you are good with fiberglass or you know someone who is, I would look at making the tunnel wider and at the same time look into dropping the foot box a bit. My feet are size 9 B width and when I drive I am very concerned with the width of the shoes I have on. Lands end summer wear, Piloti driving shoes, etc. Big clunky sport tennis shoes don't work, no room, you start hitting the gas pedal when you brake with your other foot on the clutch.
Also, don't forget your feet are off at an angle to the left, they are not straight ahead like a normal passenger car.
Good luck with the build and don't be afraid to ask questions.