Originally Posted by aspenbubba
Patrick you need your beauty sleep and I need to get a prescription for ARICEPT for my faulty memory. I was very new to the club several years ago but didn't you show up with another ERA at the same time? I hope some of the others didn't chase you away. We would love to have you back and play with us and I will make sure the others behave except for Elder as there is no fixing him.
Well, I guess I'm just not as impressive in real life.
It was the same ERA -- and I did manage to make it over to Elder's house last year for the weigh-in. I even brought my youngest along and he took shots of all the cars and posted them on the CACC web site. I will admit that I don't get to the events all that often. I'm going to try and do better on that because I do really enjoy them.
EDIT -- Oh, I see what you meant, Yes there was another ERA there that day. Dang, who needs that ARICEPT now?