Not Ranked
We have around 30 people in the directory. Some are in the process of building. We try to get together on the second Saturday of each month for a cruise, but the heat has us slowed down right now. No one seems interested in cruises right now. We have met at a couple of car shows on Saturday nights and just had the birthday ice cream social for the birthday folks. You can go on Yahoo Groups to keep up with what we are doing. Join us anytime.
We are always looking for more people to be involved. The Austin club hosts the Texas Cobra Club Meet the last weekend in March. 2009 had 106 cars show up. This year it was in San Marcos and may be there again in 2010.
Mike keeps our directory for club members. He is cobrabowtie on the Yahoo group. Contact him if you are interested in being in the directory.
Hope to meet you soon. PM me if you want more info.
Texas Cobra Club-Austin
July 2009 FFCars Picture of the Month
FFR3542K, 347, Holley Sniper EFI, T-5, 4 Wheel Discs, 3-Link, Miata Front Sway Bar, Red with White Stripes