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Old 08-28-2009, 03:52 PM
DR 385 DR 385 is offline
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Good evening patients and regarded onlookers,

I would like to welcome all of you to another session of

"Overcoming "FE"-TARDATION, the cure is here"

I see from the roll sheet that most of our group from yesterday has returned, and we have some new faces.
Welcome, please make everyone else uncomfortable.

Mr. Kirkham,

Thank you for joining us. I must agree with your input, I had an 84 SVO Mustang (Med Canyon Red) when I was in college, it was a fun car of that time with great potential.


So what you saying is that of the 1.3 mil people on that sand covered postage stamp in the middle of the ocean, you’re the only one who would bother to build an FE.
Thank you, that’s a good statistic, ill use it.

I am sorry, but the session is not over. Please take you seat.

"I can't do it, so therefore it can't be done" an excellent motto to live by Ex.

I know this will be hard for your over pressurized brain to accept, but there are street legal tires that are capable of amazing traction and have been know to actually apply more than 500hp to the ground. They are called DRAG RADIALS.
Say it with me oh lord of the "FE"TARDs, DRAG RADIAL .
With the traction to run deep in the 7s and well over 200 mph and possessing a DOT approval. They make an excellent Cobra tire.

That you can attempt to speak about what is and isn’t a "waste" when you clearly have no experience is just another shinning example of the "FE"CAL matter that fills you to the point of explosion.

So to answer you question, Yes, Mr. Schroeder will go faster and quicker if he was making 700hp on his street legal tires.

Incidentally, a better 60' time will certainly improve you ET, but does not necessarily affect your trap speed.
As many things may cause your car to be slow, that would be speculation.

next patiant please...

Dr 385

Last edited by DR 385; 08-28-2009 at 04:22 PM.. Reason: typo
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