Much could be said here, but maybe best to remain silent for the time being.
But for the record the car in question is based on a UK replica called a Dax (looks the same, twice the price) The replica was built by Gullwing in Germany - that also produces a nice recreation of the Mercedes of that ilk - and a deal has been done to allow it to use the AC logo. Does that make it an AC?
That gullwing hardtop seems to have disappeared which may or may not be connected to the fact that it was designed (and patented?) for the Dax. I know the guy who designed it was none too impressed when those photos surfaced.
The Mk6 was brought to the UK for the press to drive and is featured, sort of, in the current issue of Octane magazine as part of a large feature about the Cobra ( Said mag also has an article about the Malta-built AC MkV.....