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Old 09-02-2009, 02:49 PM
DR 385 DR 385 is offline
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The DR is in…

Mr. John Hall,

Alum 385 blocks are available from C&C Motor-sports with either wet or dry oiling provisions.

The most common is the RDI (Roberts design) block that was listed in the Ford Motor-sports catalogue. If memory serves me, the part# was M6010-A96
Commonly referred to as an "A96" block.
There are several manufactures, with many possible configurations.(i.e. different deck heights, bore spacing, mag. drives etc).
I can give you as much detail information as you would like, I currently have two.

Great Asp-hole,

I am funny, ask me, Ill tell you.
I must say, your logic, or lack of it, does make me laugh.
"There are no fast 385s at the track, but if there was(?), they ate a set of tires" LOL really?
"Any serious SPF driver would never have a 385 in their Cobra"
Hmmm yes, I see.
So the only REAL Cobra owners are the ones with "FEs" under the hoods.

Please rest assured, All of us, the lesser Cobra owners, understand your position. You and your “FE”traded brethren, make it crystal clear, that you feel you are better than us. It doesn’t matter to you, how much effort, thought, blood or sweat we apply to our cars, yours is better.
We understand.
The problem with the Narcissistic perception that you are all-seeing and all knowing, (like all FETARDS feel they are) is that you can’t possible be.
You go on to say, “You can call Dennis Olthoff and ask him”
I would say, before you a spew “Fe”cal matter again, you should call Mr. Olthoff and ask him if he or his Father have installed Aluminum 385 engines in Cobras.
While you’re on the phone, ask Mr. Olthoff what the performance potential of that combination could be. It should be an enlightening conversation for you.

I will repeat my original diagnosis. Your disability makes it impossible for you to accept an answer other than “FE”.


It is disheartening that you feel there the measure of a person adequacy is the dollars they can spend. You go on to say that any one that doesn’t have pockets as deep as yours, envies you. Wow, that is a pathetic and shallow view of the people whom share a common interest in these cars. Thank you for letting us know how you really feel.
LOL, I am completely comfortable in my sexuality, A picture of the Oral treatment for the condition you suffer from (a butt plug) does not make me scream “He’s gay!!” LOL. WOW, really, how old are you? If I am, does that make me even lower?
I am not surprised at your reaction, I would expect it from a closed-minded, anal-retentive, elitist like yourself.

Unfortunately, I was late today and Mr. Hall had the pleasure of correcting your in you blatant attempt at misinformation.

I have the utmost respect for Mr. Rabotnick and his efforts. Knowing that he can’t ever win, he uses the EMC as an advertising tool. I applaud his creative use of the print exposure. He could NEVER afford to buy that much ad space, for the cost of the entry fee. Then turn around and sell the engine (with its printed provenance) to a FEtard like you.
Again, Bravo Mr. Rabotnick.

That you know so little is clearly evident.


Last edited by DR 385; 09-02-2009 at 02:53 PM.. Reason: typo
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