Looking at your engine, this just popped in to my head. You'll need to "snug up" your intake manifold after a couple of hundred miles (you'll only have to do this once). You'll need to retorque it using your torque wrench and following the intake manifold bolt pattern. BUT, you won't be able to reach some of the bolts without a "crowfoot" on the end of your torque wrench. There are two ways to put the crowfoot on the end of the wrench -- straight up and down, and sideways. If you put the crowfoot on straight up and down then you will effectively change the reading of the torque wrench (giving you a false reading). If you put the crowfoot on at a right angle (sideways) the torque reading will continue to be accurate. How's that for an obscure FE factoid? Here's a pic of a crowfoot, just in case you didn't know what it was: