Gee Ron, I find it a little insulting that you think my opinion is foolish. If someone wanted to show your granddaughter "Behind the Green Door" and you objected I wouldn't call you foolish if I thought it was alright. You have the right to your opinion and to see that your children and grandchildren are brought up according to your principles and not some gangbanger's or leftist president's. (or mine for that matter)
And as such, may a thousand enraged Conservative Kittys claw your nutsack to ribbons for you overstepping your bounds in commenting on the raising of my family. .... you liberal you.
I might add that if it's not about his agenda then President Obama does not need to talk to my family at all about the importance of work and education. Between me and my two siblings we hold 4 masters degrees and a big part of a doctorate. My father only had an 8th grade education but was smart enough to impart that knowledge to me so I could pass it on. The great fake doesn't need to chime in.