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No, I don't have a return line. Nor a pressure regulator. Don't think my ERA fuel tank even has a fitting for a return line. Sure would help if I am getting percolation though.
Anyway, seems to me that all a mech fuel pump is is a diaphram and two checkvalves. Mine isnt' leaking, so diaphram should be OK. But for fuel to flow back, both check-valves must be leaking, unless there is a purposebuilt bleed back valve in the pump, whihc I doubt.
My car starts on the fuel left in the carbs from the last run and the carbs manage to fill back up before they run out. I am getting some "lack of fuel symptoms" though and noticed that the guage drops really fast once I shut the engine off. I didn't think it used to do that, but as I can't remember for sure, I thought I'd ask.
I will do a volume test in a few days. If it fails, I'll dismantle the pump and see just how it works inside.