Originally Posted by BeanCounter
Please discuss in some detail this financial time bomb that you see looming. Instead of throwing around tired old cliches and fear mongering why don't you tell us the particulars of this problem. How much? And try to spell it correctly.
Notice that Ernie avoided any details relating to the financial time bomb - he's famous for that here.
Actually, MediCare is headed for BK, so since that is a financial timebomb (as well as Freedie/Fannie/Post Office/Amtrak/Medicaid, why not fix those first. In the case of MediCare - millions of baby boomers will retire (if they can afford to and have a job to retire from) in the next few years - causing even more MediCare financial trouble - besides that, ObamaCare wants to take $500 Billion from MediCare to pay for the public option at the same time - it's insane.