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This is not exactly a car discussion, good call
Evidently there are a lot of people who have no idea as to how businesses work and sales in particular. These are people who read very little apparently as they have never heard of an auto manufacturer offering rebates to move product that is either undesireable, of questionable quality or just flat overproduced and thus overstocked. In other words, basically every American car maker has rebates and incentives to move product, government owned manufacturers like Volkswagen do this as well. Why should the companies that we control not do the same. What you should be asking is - How stupid is a person who takes on a $30,500- debt for a new car when they thought that they could not afford $35K?
Why any of this would be a point of contention is beyond me except that this country is so polarized due to mean spiritedness and ignorance that one side wants the other to fail regardless of the cost to all of us.
We are in a mess and for a reason that is beyond me you have someone who has stood up and is not only trying to fix the mess, but is taking the abuse of rather less than educated people who have forgotten how this happened. Blame Bill Clinton if you like, it was a Republican House and Senate that deregulated derivatives and other risky financial forms. Blame Obama if you wish but he did not get us into a stupid ,senseless unwinnable war in a country no one gives a hoot about. Blame Bush if you want, he was really too stupid to be president and got the job by default so lesser members of the government had control.
It is easy to blame everyone but yourself.
We are the reason this happened. All of us were celebrating the ridiculous appreciation in our homes. All of us were jumping for joy at our stock portfolios. All of us were buying gizmos and junk that we didn't need. Few of us were looking at the obvious-- If a starter home is $650K and Johnny makes $50K a year, how many years will Johnny have to work to pay back the almost $2 million in debt. Answer: until he is 110. A correction was apparent and given and if that wiped you out then WTF is wrong with you? Too Greedy? sense of entitlement to the toys of the rich when you neither worked nor studied enough to have their incomes?
Please try to remember the time when all Americans hoped for success both for themselves and for the country and when they were not deliberately negative because someone they disliked was in the White House.
Grow up and get over it and do your part to help.
It's under a big W, a big W see?