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I'm running Yokos. I gave away the BFGs I took off.
I just don't want to be hitting tons of rough road, stop signs and traffic signals. All it takes is one slow car on some of these back roads and the whole line is doing 30mph. Last year the group came apart on Route 7 due to the never ending construction of that bridge in Lime Rock and a couple of lights. BTW, I went to LRP last week and the bridge is still one lane, and a big delay. Two years now, Connecticut DOT at their best.
Another thought - The Skip Barber Racing School is having one of their race weedends on October 9 & 10 (Friday and Saturday) at LRP. That would make the track grounds available to us if we wanted to drop in and watch a few races and picnic. No admission, parking anywhere on the grounds.
Last edited by Bob In Ct; 09-14-2009 at 09:13 AM..