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Well, elmariachi, you're missing out.
Heading out for gas tonight, and my German Shepherd had that pleading look of, "I wanna go with... I wanna go with..."
I'm a sucker for those big, brown eyes...
Anyhow, I blanketed the seat and coaxed him into the passenger seat---all 100 lbs. of him. He sat in the seat, front paws on the floorboard, head hanging out the side of the windshield, tongue hanging out. A trip into town for gas, and then a couple of passes down the freeway before heading home. Lots of smiles and nods from people at stoplights. Maybe they read the book, too.
Nice thing about a dog riding shotgun: he won't talk at your while you're trying to relax...
Cleaning the drool off the dashboard with windex was a small price to pay.
Yeah, the book was a little melodramatic. But, you have to admit: telling a story from a dog's perspective---especially a novel---is pretty clever.
Dangerous Doug
"You're kidding, right?"