Originally Posted by Got the Bug
Randy's Avons are relatively new, so he might be able to tell you. There aren't too many good choices left, so tread depth probably won't be the gating factor in your purchase. Once my Yokos age out (they probably won't wear out), I'm going to go with the Avons.
"New" is a relative term. I bot them last year, just before STTL. I would have to dig up the receipt from Kruse to determine how many miles I have on them - I would guess 1500 to 2000. No clue on the tread depth. I still love them!
Honestly, it makes little sense to penny pinch on the part of the car that actually touches the road!
I expect these Avons to last me another 3 to 4 years at least. And that, IMHO, is very reasonable for high performance tires for a "hobby" car.