Chas ... no argument at all ... in fact , that is what a friend of mine who used to be a NASCAR engine builder told me . 200 degree
oil makes power and longevity . Since I haven`t driven my car in a deep South winter yet , I`m planning on waiting to see what the
oil temps are then . If I run into what you did , I`ll probably end up doing exactly what you did .... however , I`m hoping our winters are mild enough to not have to do that .
When I have the time , I may run through some hp/heat rejection calculations on the reservoir (
oil sump ) , cooler and lines just for giggles . I used to do that on the hydraulic systems I worked on ( a pain to do ) .... and you are correct , we used the reservoirs to help get rid of system heat . But we found that the line losses were negligible unless they were in the 25 foot or more range .
BTW , we used 180 to 190 degrees as a goal to shoot for on mobile equipment .... but it didn`t run 70 to 100 mph !!!