Originally Posted by Merv and Sharon
I guess when the kit manufacturers are busy filling orders they see no need to look further. Seems shortsighted as this country has a capacity to create rules for everything - unlike any country I have ever lived in (except Sweden).
I guess you're right Merv re the Manufacturers. I was not the Queensland co-ordinator of this initiative but was requested to start the ball rolling as I had the "contacts" at QT and to pass details to the actual co-ordinator.
I felt the initial discussions were quite positive.
What I can say is this ..... I totally agree with Johns view ie. Have the States create a new Classification (John suggested a REPLICA category) because the Classification of ICV if a definition which the States continue to require and they don't like creating exemptions to an already defined standard.
The Hot Rod Federation was successful in convincing the States to create the Hot Rod classification to cater for their vehicles.
Bureaucrats don't like setting standards and then hand out exemptions to those Standards. It's a little like Legislation.
EDIT: For your interest Merv, The object of the exercise was to also set an approved standard of engine emissions and to "lock" those into the new classification. Carby engines were out. The 5Ltr Windsor, either standard injection or mass-flow, 351 Windsors with mass-flow, as well as later model of Ford and GM engines were contemplated. The mass-flow folks provided us with sufficient proof their system would meet requirements.