Sambo, sorry for not having better pictures but I found these 2.
This first picture is where I located my Water temp sender, I drilled and tapped a hole straight into the top section here.
And for my
oil pressure gauge I drilled and tapped a thread into this part of the
oil filter adaptor, I think if you run an external cooler you could use this fitting.
Mike beat me to it, I wanted to fit my temp sender in Mikes location but the adaptor I made did not have enough meat in it and it split when tried to tighten it up.
And I wanted to get it working that day and had no access to a lathe so I just drilled and tapped where I circled in above pic.
oil pressure switch is in the same loaction as Mikes.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.