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not really following..., the correct tubing is the way to go. The CR's mounting is fine, the hoop actually bolts to the top of one of the main frame rails, the weak link is how they mount the down leg. They use a "sleeve" which bolts to the frame-ok..., but not the best way then they put the down tube through a sleeve and bolt though the sleeve the down tube and into the frame.
Although I have never seen any of these/those types in a major side/rear impact I have seen many of them flipped over and not one has failed yet that I have seen.
Building a CR's Cobra for another guy right now, I like what he has done for the down tube! The down tube is welded at the bottom with a piece of steel with a 7/16s nut welded to the inside (much like the main hoop is done). He has a rectangular box of steel welded at the angle of the down leg to the frame rail. The lower plate of this box is drilled out allowing a 716's bolt to go through, up into the down leg where it is bolted in. Lateral impact can't tear it out, down force certainly wont tear it loose from the frame, good set up.