I`ve been told that police radar picks out the strongest signal ... not always the closest object . For example , if a semi was 50 yards behind you , the unit would read the trucks speed and not your car`s .
Correct according to a state trooper buddy of mine....he told me a small to midsize car could be passing an 18 wheeler on a 4-lane road going a lot faster and his radar will pick up the largest obect of the two, regardless of their speed.......the radar unit reflects back it's signal to the unit and reflects back the largest object the "radar waves" hit in it's path..... lasers are a different story....
I asked him when there are 3 or 4 or more cars in a "caravan" speeding, which do you get????? He said it will usually pick up the first in line providing there are all similar in size, but not always, I asked which one do you stop, he said the first one to pull over to his lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!