Well you can never go wrong recommending a scatter shield/blow proof bell housing to someone, never. But do you REALLY need one? With TODAYS technology? I doubt it, EVEN if you racing!
Simple fact is back in the 60's with increasing horse power and old technology flywheels and clutches flew apart on occasion. Heck thats WHY they started making blow proof bell housings. Today? The odds of a catastrophic flywheel/Clutch failure is very low. Maybe the same as crossing the street on foot during rush hour and getting plastered by a Fire Truck. Hey, it could happen!
Show me ONE thread on Club Cobra about one of our members this actually happened to. ONE thread, double dog dare you.
What you WILL find is... "I knew this guy, years ago, one leg, poor fellow. Lost it when his clutch blew up." How many years ago did he loose this leg? 30? 40? Eh Eh. Drag racing a 7 second car maybe?
Oh, Me? What I am running? A Lakewood blow proof bell housing of course, I'm no fool ya know....