Unfortunately, it seems many can't read...
There was no "kidnapping" the culprit agreed to the "punishment". These folks, all on their own, did far better in my view than any court or law could accomplish.
Personally I would have kicked the crap out of the guy, but the "right wing Vet" obviously has far better restraint than I do. Plus I don't see any indication that the culprit was a liberal, especially in light of the fact that he himself felt what he did was wrong and submitted himself to the punishment.
The flag (as well as our government) represents the people of the United States, and while the government has certainly failed in this role the flag has not. You wanna take a dump on the white house lawn, be my guest. Just try doing that to the flag when I'm around.
Funny how we don't burn anyone's flag in this country...
Except our own, of course.